about when i was like maybe 10 or 11 i decided to check the files off of my compooper (now fucking dead)
what i find was well... yknow with people finding bob acri and ninja tuna fish? nah i found the following BEFORE those
like there was this one like a whole selection of images with one of them i could remember being tux and the BSD daemon with just them haivng a noice camping evenign jsut burnign a windows logo on an open campfire also there was this black and white image of a woman hanging... jsut to be blunt on you for what else to come
i even literally had a few pirated movies like i had like ABCs of death 2
anotehr thing to note was tehre were some bareboned asf simple games on it like one where you have to stop your friend from cooking your goldfish and one where you try to get someone out of a pile of apples tho i stopped midway cuz i looked closely and i thought the guy im digigng out was just an image of a fatass getting h e a d
all this shit just sitting there for YEARS and then one day my dumbass decided to go "hey im not gonna play purble place today so ima jsut stroll around my files"
i had the compooper for like at least 2013 (i actually didnt even know 2015 was about since my old public school teacher kept 2014 on the board instead of 2015 so i didnt even process 2015 at all lmao)
ig it was my dad who got the movies ig ive seen him watch movies off of youtube so maybe